Monday, 8 November 2010


The KFCK JUSTIC ENFORCMANT TEAM haven't been able to log on much recently in order to ENFORCE THE GALLANTA POLIC LAWS, However on Saturday night we managed to find time for a short patrol in RIFTER SPACE BOATS

The evening began with a small engagement with the kriminal lowlife known as EVE UNIVERSITY, who were loitering in Ardar. A rather standard engagement we took down a Raptor before the main blob landed. Sassy then managed to make warp. I was pointed by a Stiletto, so I burned away then flipped my Rifter justice boat around and tackled the kriminal inty. Unfortunately, as I started violencing the kriminal boat standard eve uni practice of DROP THE ECM DRONEZ FROM OUR BLOB ON THE RIFTAH kicked in and I got locked out. :(

I Jumped into a new Rifter and we decided to head Evati way, all seemed rather uneventful until we ran into PIRAT KORPARATION THE BASTARDS. My Rifter landed on the Orfrold gate in Egmar to be confronted by pilots TFS Tibbs in a Wolf Boat and TheHermit in a Crow. Sassy was one jump behind, and we had no idea if more Bastards loomed on the other side of the gate. We came to the decision that an AF and an Inty were no match for DUBBAL RIFTAR, and that we'd go for them and hope nothing we couldn't violence jumped in. I locked them up and got in a tight orbit on Tibbs's Wolf, Rf Fusion loaded in heated 150s, waiting for Sassy to land on grid. As soon as Sassy's Rifter got in Dscan range the over confident pirates opened fire on me. I tackled the Wolf as Sassy B's Rifter boat burst out of warp and we lit him up. As Tibbs entered hull Sassy B peeled off to try and land tackle on the Crow. I promptly finished ADMINISTERING JUSTIC TO THE PIRAT MAN. The Wolf exploded with me in 30% armour and the Crow lingered longer than he should of trying to finish me. Sassy B Unleashed OFFICIAL POLIC WEBBING AND SCRAMBLING WEAPANS upon him, enabling us to MAKE JUSTIC!



    GF GF. I've been having an EVE break too, but reading that almost makes me want to log in and fly rifters again, almost ^^

    xoxo Laedy

  2. NOOOOOoooes! you shots up my bro's! embarresing thems in public.

    /me shakes fist!!!1!

  3. I remember being violenced by your Wolf around that region. I did, however, espace GALLANTA POLIC JUSTIC!

  4. Aaah, you have returned. All is well again :D

  5. Lady S, thank god you've returned. I was about to mount a search party for you. But now Eve is safe again and we need fear no evil.

    I can sleep peacefully tonight. :D

  6. It's a fair cop!

    A cuddly piwate bunny caught in the headlights of extreme justic.


  7. Lady S. Thank you for your posts. I recently joined the Minmatar militia; and it continues to be a blast.

    I've learned a lot from your posts; and just used one of your fits to take down a slicer -

    Granted, he landed on me at 0 which made scram/web easy :-)

  8. I have missed your tales of justice. Welcome back!

  9. I'm glad you're back, enforcing SPACE JUSTIC and then blogging about it. Space is safer and Justicier, and the internet is that little bit less boring.

  10. Fantastic dakka dakka! Makes me giggle typing it. Welcome back and may the JUSTIC continue......
